搜索相關: 標簽、標牌 - 其他 - 包裝袋 - 包裝盒 - 包裝箱 - 包裝設計加工 - 包裝材料 - 包裝、印刷服務 - 包裝相關設備 - 造紙設備 - 紙品、紙漿 - 印刷包裝代理 - 印刷設備 - 器皿、容器 - 包裝、印刷
產品庫 - Pe?收縮膜使用優點—可降解PE膜 - 包裝設計加工 - 可降解PE膜 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
社會在發展,人類在進步,人們對于生活的品質要求也在不斷的提高,(POF熱縮膜)各種各樣的新鮮事物也在不斷的出現。就是這樣的看似普通但 是給我們的生活也是帶來了極大的便利。
過去對于一些產品的包裝運輸中出現的問題,(上海PE熱縮膜)在過去,我們的許多產品在運輸的過程中經常的出現問題,至常見的就 是磨損問題,這樣造成的經濟損失是很大的。因為有些物品一旦磨損, 基本上也就沒有什么用了。
文章 - When To Buy A Black Wrap Film? - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 116.48.31.*
With the development of industry and the improvement of people’s living standards, black stretch film is a packaging material used in life and various industries.
The black stretch film is a flex ...(19/3)
文章 - How To Check Bopp Tape Quality - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 116.48.31.*
The viscosity Du is the main factor to judge the quality of transparent tape. The adhesive tape with high viscosity is good. Of course, this can’t be used as the only evaluation standard, because some ...(20/3)
產品庫 - 宣傳畫冊設計四大原則- 包裝印刷廠 - 其他 - 包裝印刷廠 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
精美的宣傳畫冊可以給客戶留下深刻的良好的印象。宣傳畫冊的印制,考慮到宣傳畫冊的內容的多少,選擇不同素質的紙材。如果畫冊的內容不多,可以采用較為厚重的紙材,以體現企業的品質。(設計印刷公司)企業畫冊的封面也可以采用凸印,可以使讀者拿在手中有更好的手感。或者企業畫冊的印制可以與一些包裝技術相結合,使企業的畫冊更加具有深度與特色。 首先整理公司所有成功案例。 其次畫冊設計-精選與理念密切相關的素材。在畫 ...(27/1)
文章 - When To Buy A Black Wrap Pallet - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd. - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 42.3.19.*
Our cast stretch wrap has been specially created to keep pallets in transit safe at all times. The secure wrap is ideal for fragile items as it prevents movement during storage or shipping. Our range ...(34/3)
文章 - How To Remove Shrink Wrap Covers - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Plastic revolutionized the way the modern world packages and protects consumer goods. Shrink wrap was invented in the 1950s and experienced a rise in usage during the 1970s, when the technology to ine ...(39/2)
文章 - How To Use Shrink Wrap For Soap - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
1.Cut off the bottom edge of a shrink wrap bag with a heat sealer. When you look at shrink wrap bags, you’ll notice that the bottom edge is already sealed. Right next to the seam is a strip of excess ...(19/2)
文章 - What Is Pallet Stretch Film - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Stretch wrap or stretch film is a highly stretchable plastic film that is wrapped around items. The elastic recovery keeps the items tightly bound. In contrast, shrink wrap is applied loosely around a ...(33/2)
產品庫 - 食品不干膠標簽檢測項目_卷筒不干膠標簽 - 標簽、標牌 - 卷筒不干膠標簽 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
不干膠標簽在這一領域非常受歡迎,不僅因為其可貼、可印刷、可設計,更主要的是,(不干膠標簽印刷)電子產品需要利用標簽達到一些特定效果。比如標簽質地堅挺,能很好地和電器配合,或者標簽能抗外界環境的腐蝕、抗高溫等。往往在一個電器產品的不同部位,需要用到好幾種形式的標簽材料,電子行業的巨大發展,尤其是華南、華東地 區,用以出口的比重比較大,更是帶動不干膠標簽材料消耗的主要地區。與其他領域一樣,用在電子行業 ...(25/1)
文章 - How To Choose Shrink Wrap Tubing - QingDao LongYouRu Packing Co., Ltd - 包裝袋 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
PVC shrink tubing is a continuous roll of lay-flat PVC shrink tubing. The circumference of the tubing can be found by multiplying the width by two. PVC is short of Poly Vinyl Chloride, one of the most ...(55/4)