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文章 - How Much Superplasticizer To Add? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 39.71.45.*
Hello everyone, welcome! Our news today is for a clearer understanding of that, how much superplasticizer to add.
The appearance of water-reducing agent is divided into liquid and powder; according ...(34/1)
文章 - Superplasticizer - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 116.48.31.* - 訪問網站
1. Performance
The superplasticizer has a strong dispersing effect on the cement, which can greatly improve the fluidity of the cement mixture and the slump of the concrete, while greatly reducing th ...(60/1)
文章 - What Is Water Reducer For Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 116.48.31.*
Concrete water-reducing agent refers to the ability to reduce the water requirement of concrete under the condition of maintaining the same fluidity after being added, thereby improving the strength a ...(2/1)
產品庫 - Pp黑色母用顏料半成品檢測-消泡母料 - 日用化學品 - 消泡母料 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
鑒于PP原料特殊的顯 ...(5/1)
文章 - Imperium HVHC Connector System HVIL Socket - 膠黏劑 - Alice Dai - 116.48.31.*
Temperature: -55℃∽ +125℃
Rated Current: 120A
Insulation Resistance: 500MΩ
Dielectric Withstand Voltage: 3000VDC
Mechanical Life: 500 times
Salt Spray: 48 hours
Ingress Protection: ...(7/1)
文章 - How To Make Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 116.48.31.*
Reaction Process For HPEG
Raw Material
Base Material: HPEG 340 g, Water 300g
Solution : crylic acid 46g, Vitamin C 0.6g, thiohydracrylic acid 2.5g
Water 51, Mixed
Found ...(17/1)
產品庫 - Superplasticizer Monomer LPEG Slump Retention F-2089 - 催化劑及化學助劑 - dongkepce - 116.48.31.* - 訪問網站
This product is soluble in water and various organic solvents and it is an important raw material for a new generation of polycarboxylic acid water reducer. The high-performance polycarboxylic acid wa ...(22/1)
文章 - How Does A Superplasticizer Do In Concrete? - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 116.48.31.*
Here is the performances of superplasticizer in concrete as following:
(1) Dispersion: After the cement is mixed with water, due to the hydration of the cement particles, the cement particles show ...(23/1)
文章 - How Superplasticizer Works - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 116.48.31.*
The function of water reducing agent is to improve the working performance of freshly mixed mortar and improve the fluidity of mortar without reducing the amount of cement; while maintaining certain w ...(16/1)
文章 - What Is A Superplasticizer In Concrete - 催化劑及化學助劑 - Alice Dai - 116.48.31.* - 訪問網站
Water reducer is a kind of concrete admixture which can reduce the water consumption of mixing under the condition that the slump of concrete is kept basically unchanged.
Polycarboxylic acid-based ...(15/1)