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文章 - Manufacture Candle Wax And Candle Wax Body - 工藝禮品 - Alice Dai - 58.153.172.* - 訪問網站
We are a group company, Dongke Group, including Beijing Dongke United Technologies Co.Ltd, Fushun Dongke Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd, Liaoning Dongke New Material Co., Ltd, Zhejiang Dongke New Material Co., ...(192/2)
文章 - Granulated Wax Histology Wax Paraffin Wax Fully Refined - 工藝禮品 - Alice Dai - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
The main role of paraffin in our country is to produce candles. The melting point is mainly due to the season of adaptation. The high melting point is suitable for the season with high temperature, an ...(48/1)
文章 - 100% Flakes Soy Wax Is Candle Wax For Candle Making Supplied By Us As Candle Wax - 工藝禮品 - Alice Dai - 114.42.192.*
Key words: 58-60 wax, 464 soy wax, 100% flakes soy wax, candle wax for candle making, candle wax manufacturers
Soy wax refers to a wax produced by the production of hydrogenated soybean oil. It inc ...(177/2)
文章 - Fischer Tropsch Wax Ft Wax Industrial Wax - 工藝禮品 - Alice Dai - 39.71.45.* - 訪問網站
Fischer Tropsch wax is a methylene polymer. It is a hydrocarbon-based or natural gas-synthesized alkane polymer. It mainly relies on high-quality and cheap raw materials of coal chemical industry for ...(68/1)
文章 - The Difference Between Coconut Wax And Soy Wax - 工藝禮品 - Alice Dai - 23.133.64.*
1. Natural coconut wax is the main component of aromatherapy candle. It belongs to the natural palm family, and its ornamental value is very high.
2. Soybean wax refers to the wax made from hydrogena ...(86/2)
文章 - How To Keep A Candle? - 工藝禮品 - superplasticizer - 103.116.47.*
Place candles in dry and dark places and avoid them in the fridge.
If the candle is placed in the fridge, it may cause burning or incomplete combustion.
Table candles are suggested to be placed in f ...(29/1)
文章 - How To Reduce The Production Cost Of Candles - 工藝禮品 - superplasticizer - 116.48.31.*
The cost of making candles has become higher and higher in recent years. For this reason, candle machines, as upstream companies, should also think of ways for everyone to reduce the cost of productio ...(52/1)
服務項目 - 歷歷往事再現,送給父母的紀念冊制作-成都藝站 - 成都藝站影像文化 - 工藝禮品 -
- 王小姐 - 60.10.17.* - 訪問網站
當我們小的時候,父母為我們穿衣服,為我們蓋被子,一湯一勺的喂我們吃飯,第一次帶我們學習走路,第一次帶我們去學校……太多太多的不辭辛勞,無條件的為我們鞍前馬后,只希望我們能平安健康成長,在一個無憂無慮的環境中長大。當我們長大的時候,父母為我們的工作,愛情,生活而寢食難安,成家、購房等等都無私的為我們付出著,父母永遠至關心你的人,伴著我們成長已漸漸不復當年,這份無私厚重的恩情,我們卻總也無以回報。父母 ...(70/1)
服務項目 - 樹脂工藝品做得好不在技術,在信心 - 震東樹脂工藝品廠 - 工藝禮品 - 曹經理 - 223.152.120.* - 訪問網站
不論你做任何產業,你都必須有一顆積極的心情。沒 ...(55/2)
產品庫 - 土豪你也可以成為,只要你干樹脂工藝品行業 - 震東樹脂工藝品廠 - 工藝禮品 - 曹經理 - 223.152.120.* - 訪問網站
寶馬小車城市里寬敞明亮的大房子不一定某一些人的百分百的權力,假若只要是個人都會有享受的權力 ...(63/1)