Carlisle Mountaineering Club
About Carlisle Mountaineering Clubwww.ca*lislemc.co.uk
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Outdoor Gear
Built to last climbing equipment, outdoor clothing, outdoor gear & mountain gear. Designed and tested by the professional backcountry adventurers.www.*rooks-range.com
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Rocky Mountain Rescue Group
Mountain search and rescue team based in Boulder, CO, USA.
Experts in rescue systems testing and outdoor recreation safety education. One of the most
experienced mountain rescue teams in the country.www.rockymountain*escue.org
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Alaska Mountaineering & Hiking
Whether you are planning a climbing expedition, updating your backpacking or skiing equipment, or are interested in learning more about an Alaska outdoor activity we hope you will stop by and visit with our knowledgeable team. www.alaskamoun*aineering.com
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IFMGA/FMCG Mountain Guides running off piste skiing, ski touring, avalanche training, rock climbing, ice climbing, alpine mountaineering, alpine skills, via ferrata and glacier trekking scheduled holidays and tripswww.mountain*racks.co.uk
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Banff Lake...
Banff Lake Louise – official site. Extraordinary adventures await you at Lake Louise and Banff National Park, Alberta. Discover everything from relaxing scenery and amazing wildlife to heart-pounding outdoor recreation.www.banfflakelou*se.com
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Exum Mountain Guides
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bothy and shelters in Scotland...
Mountain Bothies Association is a charity which maintains about 100 bothy shelters in the UK. Members help repair and maintain bothies in England, Scotland and Waleswww.mountainb*thies.org.uk
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