Karate uniforms
- UTF-8 - 2014-01-22

Looking for a Mixed Martial Arts gym near you? We are your #1 MMA Gym finder...
- UTF-8 - 2015-07-09

Martial Arts Industry Association
Government and Private sector recognised Peak Industry Body for Martial Arts in Australia. Contains details on Accreditation courses, codes, insurance and news.www.*aia.com.au
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TAI CHI KIDS are Smarter and Faster
TaiChiKIDS.com Homepage has important essays by founder, Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang, Spirit Wolf of Truth, who also founded Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Gongfu, and the Buddha Kung Fu schools. Tai Chi Kids programs have been taught since***at the YWCA in Salt Lake City, Utah. With several years experience teaching children, Richard Del Connor founded the Tai Chi Youth nonprofit education organization in***for youth at risk. SHAOLIN CHI MANTIS WEBSITE.www.taic*ikids.com
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- BIG5 - 2014-01-19

International Judo Federation
- ISO-8859-2 - 2012-11-17

- GB2312 - 2015-05-26

WMA 中國武術職業聯賽...
中國武術職業聯賽暨WMA, WUSHU MASTERS ASSOCIATION, WMA由中視體育娛樂有限公司發起,于2008年12月30日正式宣告成立。WMA的定義是指在工商或者民政部門等注冊的俱樂部,通過契約形式完成的武術職業聯賽賽事產品的生產機構。 WMA是自發的通過...www.cctvw*a.com
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Tai Chi for Health Institute
Tai Chi for Health Institute's purpose is to empower people to improve health and wellness, it trains safe and effective instructor, upheld quality teaching and promote tai chi for health and wellness, through using Dr Paul Lam's Tai Chi for Health prograwww.taichiforhealthinstitu*e.org
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