Industrial Supplies Stocks 工業設備存貨
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Stainless Steel
[待更新]Deepak Steel India is a top manufacturer, supplier and exporter from India, offering best quality ferrous & non-ferrous industrial products at reasonable prices.
- UTF-8 - 2020-02-20Stainless Steel Strips
[待更新]Sonic Steel is exporter, supplier and stockist of Stainless Steel Strip, Stainless Steel Coil, SS Shim, SS Foil, SS Bands and S.S. Sheet in Mumbai, India
- UTF-8 - 2020-02-14Super Duplex Stainless Steel Stockist Dubai
[待更新]Super duplex stainless steel Plate, Sheet Stock in UAE, buy directly from Stockist, Supplier and Distributor of Acroni, Arcelormittal, Outokompu, Aperam in Dubai. Call for Dealer price List and Stockyard visit.
- UTF-8 - 2020-02-07Carbon Alloy Steel Seamless Tubes India
[待更新]Anand Seamless Tubes is a leading manufacturer & exporter of Cold Drawn Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Seamless tubes & pipes in India. Call for more info.
- UTF-8 - 2020-02-03Clover Valves manufacturers in India
[待更新]Searching to buy Tri-Clover Valves at best price, Contact Century Steel Corporation, a leading Tri-Clamp fittings manufacturers in India. Exporter of DN150 Tri-Clamp, Tri-Clover Ferrule in India.
- UTF-8 - 2020-01-24工業品MRO領域權威資訊媒體和電子商務b2b平臺...
[待更新]中國工業品網是中國工業品MRO領域至權威的資訊媒體和電子商務平b2b平臺,專業銷售儀器儀表, 實驗儀器, 變頻器, 電磁閥, 調壓閥, 控制器, 氣缸, 油缸, 伺服閥, 液壓泵, 葉片泵, 柱塞泵, 濾芯, 傳感器, PLC, 繼電器, 變送器, 液位計, 編碼器, 斷路器, 安全柵, 流量計, 定位器, 執行機...
- UTF-8 - 2020-01-16Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings
[待更新]Nufit Piping Solutions is manufacturer and exporter of Stainless Steel Pipe fittings, Pipe flanges, fasteners, Pipes and tubes and wide range of piping products in India. Get in touch with us for the best quote.*
- UTF-8 - 2019-12-31Industrial steel pipe fittings and Flanges manufacturers in india
- UTF-8 - 2019-12-07Steel Bars Supplier in India and Nut Bolt Manufacturer in Mumbai
[待更新]FIEO member and Supplier of Steel bars in India. Government approved Nut bolt Manufacturer in Mumbai. Get best price of Stainless steel Threaded rod, hex bolts & studs. Tested Fasteners Material.
- UTF-8 - 2019-12-07Duplex Steel
- UTF-8 - 2019-12-02
資訊庫 - 工業設備存貨 (188)
Hot!產品庫 - 成都15KG烘干機,15KG烘干機價格 - 成都洛克機械有限公司 - 2013-05-06 12:48:05
產品庫 - 專業生產銷售驅動滾筒,改向滾筒,鑄膠滾筒,質量優良 - 滄州寶誠機械制造有限公司 - 2011-08-09 07:53:52
產品庫 - 專業生產銷售摩擦調心托輥,梳型托輥,螺旋托輥,質量優良 - 滄州寶誠機械制造有限公司 -
- 2011-08-09 07:45:16
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10無錫市眾友焊割機械有限公司...
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10鎮江市博雅電器科技有限公司...
[待更新]本公司是一家集電子散熱器研制、開發、生產、售后為一體的專業廠家。有先進的生產流水線,精良的測試儀器和科學的檢測方法。有一批高素質的工程師及具專業技術水平的職工隊伍。至目前已開發研制生產散熱器數千余種,廣銷國內三十多個省市、自治區,深受廣大用戶朋友的好評和依賴。 ...
- GB2312 - 2012-12-10pp蝶閥...
[待更新]揚中防腐閥門廠致力于frpp管, frpp管道, pp管, 塑料蝶閥, pph管, pp管廠家, pp蝶閥, 符合ISO9002標準質量體系, 有耐腐蝕、耐高溫、質輕無毒、無污染, 機械強度高, 決不泄漏、操作靈敏、零部件拆換方便,價格低等優勢.
- UTF-8 - 2012-12-10Pipeline Contractor
[待更新]Pipeline Fabrication, PipelineErection, Pipeline Erection, Chemical Pipe Lines, Piping Contracts Of Atomic Power Project, Offshore Pipelines, Erection Of Pipelines Pipe Line Fabrication, Pipeline Contractor, IBR Approved Designers, Pipe Fabricators, ...
- UTF-8 - 2013-05-01Cphex
- UFT-8 - 2012-12-10鎮江市億超...
[待更新]江蘇鎮江市億超工程塑料有限公司是生產各種防腐塑料管材、管件、板材、閥門的專業化企業,公司主營:PP管 FRPP管 PPH管材 PP管材 FRPP管材 PPH管 HDPE管 PVDF管 管件 閥門 PP閥門 PP板材-FRPP板材 CPVC管材 UPVC管材。歡迎新老客戶...
- UTF-8 - 2012-12-10industrial shed
[待更新]Structural Fabrication, fabrication contractor, industrial shed, with best services through the india
- UTF-8 - 2013-05-01歐陸變頻器...
[待更新]【廣州唯遠工控設備維修有限公司】維修西門子、ABB、安川、丹佛斯、倫茨、歐陸、三墾變頻器, 調快件, 伺服驅動器, 歐陸590直流調快件, ct直流調快件等.
- UTF-8 - 2012-12-10揚州市鵬遠電氣有限公司...
- UTF-8 - 2012-12-10