舞蹈 Dancing

ODC Home
[舞蹈] - www.o*cdance.org
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Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation
[舞蹈] - www.isadoradun*an.org
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National Dance Education Organization
[舞蹈] - www.nd*o.org
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Dance Umbrella
Dance Umbrella brings brave new dance to London and each year stages one of the world's leading international dance festivals.[舞蹈] - www.da*ceumbrella.co.uk
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Broadway Dance Center
Broadway Dance Center offers beginning to advanced classes for students of all ages in ballet, jazz, tap, modern, theater, hip hop and more. Workshops and master classes are offered throughout the year and change periodically. BDC doesn't require an audition to attend nor are there any pre-registration fees[舞蹈] - www.bro*dwaydancecenter.com
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EDGE Performing Arts Center
[舞蹈] - www.ed*epac.com
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Movement Research
[舞蹈] - www.movementresear*h.org
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Royal Academy of Dance
The RAD is one of the world's most influential dance education and training organisations. Its classical ballet examination syllabus is regarded as the best in the world and its programmes of study qualify dance teachers to the highest standards.[舞蹈] - www.*ad.org.uk
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dance classes...
Dance Place: dance performances, dance classes for kids and adults, arts in education programs in Washington, DC. African dance, modern dance, hip hop, family-friendly performances, more.[舞蹈] - www.dancep*ace.org
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