其他 Others

Taiwan Manufacturers Directory...
Manufacturers directory with products made in Taiwan & China. Find reliable Taiwan & China OEM/ODM manufacturers and contract manufacturing companies here.[貿易合作] - www.allprodu*ts.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-02-19

Find quality Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Importers, Buyers, Wholesalers, Products and Trade Leads from our award-winning International Trade Site. Import & Export on alibaba.com[貿易合作] - www.alibaba.com
- UTF-8 - 2016-12-07

End purchasing service website with quality assurance and...
ECVV.com is the first end-to-end procurement service platform in China to ensure the quality of goods, provide product sourcing service and supply chain service to protect the product quality and payment security of buyers.[商務服務] - www.*cvv.com
- UTF-8 - 2018-11-23

慧聰網(Hc360.Com)B2B電子商務平臺,為您提供B2B行業資訊、供應、求收信息,是企業尋求電子商務網絡貿易信息的行業門戶,聰慧的老板上慧聰![廣播、電視設備] - www.hc360.com
- UTF-8 - 2021-03-28

B2B Marketplace ECPlaza...
Premier Wholesale - B2B Marketplace of trade leads, company directory, product catalogs for importers, exporters, manufacturers, suppliers, buyers.[貿易合作] - www.*cplaza.net
- UTF-8 - 2018-04-22

Exporters from China & Ho...
GlobalMarket is the largest Manufacturer-to-Business marketplace. Find manufacturers, suppliers, factories, exporters and wholesalers with qualified made in China products.[國際網路] - www.global*arket.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-11-20

Global Sources
Find The Latest Products From Reliable Suppliers & Manufacturers. Global Sources is
the Leading B2B Marketplace Connecting Buyers and Suppliers Worldwide.[貿易合作] - www.globalsource*.com
- UTF-8 - 2015-08-15

全球五金網是中國五金機電行業的至大的網上產品營銷平臺, 為中國五金機電企業及經銷商提供專業買賣信息對接及貿易撮合, 包括五金產品供應, 五金產品采購, 五金企業招募經銷商, 五金加工, 五金新聞資訊, 五金技術等信息, 是中國五金機電企業開展網上貿易的首選平臺網站....[五金工具] - www.*jw.cn
- GB2312 - 2016-03-23

Connecting Global Buyers with Manufacturers...
Global B2B marketplace of export and import, offers manufacturers directory, product catalogs, selling leads and buying leads to importers, exporters, manufacturers, wholesalers, suppliers.[商務服務] - www.ec21.com
- UTF-8 - 2021-11-20

阿里巴巴(1688.com)是全球企業間(B2B)電子商務的著名品牌,為數千萬網商提供海量商機信息和便捷安全的在線交易市場,也是商人們以商會友、真實互動的社區平臺。目前1688.com已復蓋原材料、工業品、服裝服飾、家居百貨、小商品等12個行業大類,提供從原料--生產-...[國際網路] - www.1688.com
- UTF-8 - 2021-01-09
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