金屬絲網 Wire Mesh
- 用戶名
- 張立濱60.215.0.*
2012-01-25 06:46:06山東濱州天宇篩網有限公司是一家專業生產各國瀝青混凝土拌和機上振動篩機的配套篩網及大型石料廠、制砂廠振動篩篩網,已有30年制造經驗,采用特殊工藝,耐磨材料編織而成,其特點是防滑、硬度強、彈性好、抗壓、抗振、不易堵塞、不并攏,使用壽命長,屬國內領先,曾獲國家優秀新產品獎.尤其在進口的巴博格林、博納地、瑪連尼、阿曼、ACP、派克、新瀉、泰爾托、林泰閣、日工等進口機中使用效果良好,完全能替代進口篩網,滿足各種公路的級配要求。我們生產的篩網也用于石油、化工、化肥、橡膠、塑料、冶金、汽車、醫藥、食品、國防、建筑、電訊、玻璃等工業,張立濱熱忱歡迎國內外工礦企業來人來電,洽談選購。

[工業設備合作] - www.s*lbwj.com
- GB2312 - 2010-10-10

air filter
Our Company is the exporter of filter products, Main filter products: air filter, oil filter, filter element, disk filter, filter cap, filter, filter cartridges, air filter, liquid-gas filters, filter paper, sealant, basket-style filter, filter cover, al...[國際網路] - www.chnfilt*r.com
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steel nail
Top produces galvanized roofing nails, umbrella head roofing nails
and roofing nails of ring shank, smooth shank and screw shank.[國際網路] - www.n*il-nails.org
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Expanded Steel Metal...
[國際網路] - www.exp*nded-perforated-metal.com
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普利萊基因技術公司 首頁
北京普利萊基因技術有限公司, 生物試劑,實驗材料[生命科學] - www.*pplygen.com.cn
- GB2312 - 2012-04-25

bolts and nuts
We always supply our customers superior quality products, like as HEX HEAD BOLTS, HEX NUTS, HEAVY HEX NUTS, STUD BOLTS, STUDDING, and THREADED BAR, as an ISO9001/9000 approved company and leader of HIGH STRENGTH of Fasteners.
[國際網路] - www.bolts-nuts*.net
- UTF-8 - 2015-08-17

Easy Courier Services Ltd
[搬遷、物流] - www.eas*courier.com.hk
- BIG5 - 2010-10-01

window screen
China manufacturer export all kinds of window screens, main products:Aluminum Window Screening, Galvanized Iron Window Screen , Fiberglass Window Screen , Other Window Screening , and so on.[國際網路] - www.apwindo*screen.com
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stainless steel wire mesh manufac...
we manufactures and exports the Stainless Steel Wire Mesh series products. We also produce welded Wire Mesh, Wire Mesh Fences, Barbed wire, Peroratrd Metal, Insect Screening with good quality and nice designs[國際網路] - www.stainless-steel-wire-mes*.net
- UTF-8 - 2015-02-01

東莞市蔡記玻璃鋼有限公司成立于1985年, 是全國至早至大的汽車導罩生產廠家專業生產各種進口(國產)汽車導流罩、玻璃鋼汽車配件至大生產廠家之一。聯系電話:***,張小姐[其他] - www.c*iji8.com
- GB2312 - 2011-07-19
搜索相關: 管件、管材 - 金屬加工 - 金屬絲網 - 非金屬礦產 - 非金屬礦物制品 - 金屬礦產 - 磁性材料 - 金屬存貨 - 冶金礦產項目合作 - 廢舊物資 - 鋼鐵 - 冶金設備 - 其他 - 有色金屬 - 冶金礦產 - 有色金屬合金 - 有色金屬制品 - 新型材料 - 礦業設備