有色金屬 Nonferrous Metal2019-05-01
簡介: Type “copper thieves” into your favourite search engine and hundreds of articles will come up showing the lengths to which people will go to collect a few pounds of copper. Or, in the case of a hijacking in Montreal, thousands of pounds of copper. Copper Price History Between 2003 and 2008, copper prices rose from less than $1 a pound to more than $4 per pound. As a result, people the world over, honest or not, are looking for copper. For more information on the price of copper, check out our brief overview of the copper price today. Use of Copper The melting and use of copper goes back more t...
目錄: 有色金屬 @ 冶金礦產
語言: UTF-8
網址: www.copperinvestingnews.com 
最后更新: 2019-05-01 05:46:01
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