Household Textile - 家用紡織2019-06-20
Unit F Berry St.
城市: Winnipeg
省: MB
郵編: R3H1A7
國家/地區: Canada
電話: 204-505-8158
Blinds, Shades, Curtains, Sheer, Shutters, Window Treatments, Window coverings installation, repair, clean
MySunFree Blinds & Shades – the international provider of custom-made window coverings. We are a full-service window treatment company that is dedicated to manufacturing and supplying high-quality products as well as excellent customer service at competitive pricing. MySunFree Blinds & Shades offers long-term, genuine value through personal workmanship that meets the highest standards of our industry. All products and services are fully covered by our insurance.
MySunFree Blinds & Shades is committed to realization of our valued customers’ vision. All our window covering consultants – from the showroom staff to the workshop staff – bring their utmost pride and passion to what they do. Every step of our service – from consultation to installation – is imbued with dedication and attention to details.
If you would like to learn more about the products provided by MySunFree Blinds & Shades – we would love to hear from you. Our company works on a wide variety of different homes, cottages and commercial spaces; and we cordially welcome clients from all over the city - as well as the province - to join us together so we can build a consolidated, long-term business relationship for mutual achievement and common development.
最后更新 2019-06-20 07:08:0724.77.20.*
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